Kain Kafan Perawan

Kain Kafan Perawan
Release : 8 june 2010

It all started with his friend and fifth Rasty Smitha, Debby, Marchel, Harry and Dhana trying to make a video clip of Rasty at a train station. When they're editing the video looks a little bit strange appearance, this makes Rasty want to go back to the train station to make a documentary horror film for sale to TV stations. Apparently when they tried to make a documentary on the station, many terrors and visions that they had found. Even claiming Rasty friends.

Feli and her two girls who worked as a photographer suddenly got a call from the police if their friend has found Rasty fainting condition with wounds to his body and was now disekujur hospitalized. Like the condemned terror against Rasty continue to occur even when in hospital terror often happens. Feli and Sarah were also haunted after they went back to Rasty.

Feli and Sarah try to talk to a psychic about this bizarre incident, apparently at the station where Rasty making video clips is a haunted place where there are a virgin girl who was raped and murdered in one of the train carriages that distasiun. And to end this terror they must take the scraps of the shroud of a virgin girl who is dead and torn it to be burned.

With the help of a policeman finally Fikri Feli and Sarah set off to find a virgin and shroud to burn it in the carriage which he said was haunted. Terror is increasingly becoming a ghost, so even when they arrived at the station she was possessed by a ghost ... the success they eliminate the shroud of terror with a virgin?

Director : Nayato

Cast : Adina Rasti, Ratu Felisha, Sarah jane , Shmita Anjani

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