Suster Keramas

Suster Keramas

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Kayla invites her friends, Ariel and Barry completing their coursework at the villa owned by deceased parents. But their work is always disturbed by the emergence of the people at their Villa. There was a girl Michiko Japanese native who request help in finding a woman named Karmila. His father, Mr. Tanaka has lived long in the villa.

There are neighbors and they Jeng Dolly Roy aksibionis couples with a bizarre sexual appetite, which also had a hidden plan. And a woman with blond hair wet, wearing a nun who always appears suddenly, and intend to eliminate them. What happened exactly? What links all of this?

Film Type:

Ody Mulya Hidayat

Herfiza Novianti
Rizky Mocil
Adam Zidni
Bachir Shinta
Alex Abad
Staple food Yadi
Bella Esperance
Rin Sakuragi

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