Sehidup (tak) Semati

Sehidup (tak) Semati

Is Titan (Winky Wiryawan) and Helena (Fanny Fabriana) young couple who loved each other. Both are young and successful executive. But the poor can not be rejected, while celebrating the birthday of their first marriage, there was an accident that happened to Helena and Helena had died.

Not to be lost sadness left behind his wife Helena Titan frequent sightings. Apparently this is not a hallucination, because the ghost of Helena was still haunts and only reveal themselves in the husband's Titan. People think Titan depression left by his wife, this condition is detrimental to Titan that will be promoted to Vice-President in office. He is considered unstable souls as they often communicate with the ghost of his late wife. Titan was advised to go to a psychiatrist, the psychiatrist Titan is given treatment by sending a student of Psychology, Olin (Joanna Alexandra) for observation. All Titan activity from morning until night followed by Olin

In addition to medical, non-medical efforts have been undertaken. Whom to ask for help psychic, shaman, and smart people. Including Ki Jono Bolot (Hj. Bolot) who have excess can see the invisible, but also has some flaws that lack of hearing. From Ki Jono Bolot, then Titan to know, how tricks for Helena spirits could 'go' with calm. At that moment Titan met Irene (Astrid Nurdin), their relationship closer because sanctioned Helena, yet another accident occurred that the added weight of the Titan. Fortunately for Titan is always accompanied by his driver that funny (Faqih Ngademin). So the Titans travel to remove the ghost of Helena from the mundane world into the afterlife to be a romantic trip, excited, funny, and becomes a new experience in Indonesian cinema

Film Type:
Desire Djoeir, Gita Jiwatram

Visitama Millennium Films

LSF Rating:
Adolescent (teenage)

Winky Wiryawan
Fanny Fabriana
Joanna Alexandra
Astrid Nurdin
H. Bolot
Henki Soleman
Faqih Ngatemin

Iqbal Rais

Mutation Hilamn
Lanri Jaya

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