The Ghost of Mortuary (2009)

Since Miranda (Uwi Jasmine), a hospital nurse, went to leave his house because of the mutation of the work, nostalgia that in striking Andini (Imelda Lubis) until often dreamed about his older brother. The dream then changed to the appearance, made him with Robby his girlfriend and Mocil (Rizky Mocil) their university friend went to look for Miranda's news. Andini received information from Vivian, Miranda's friend about the residence and the place hospital of Miranda worked, even more that he knew about his older brother increasingly often also he was haunted by the appearance, Andini most startled like that knew the reality that his older brother in fact was pregnant 5 months and for reasons of that made his older brother go to leave the house.

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ALIF orang tua gw kasih nama ke gw,kenapa gw di kasih nama alif…? katanya sih…karena gw anak pertama. tapi orang-orang seringnya manggil gw “alip”,pakenya “p” bukan “f”.yaaa…maklumlah gw lahir lidah orang jawa susah lo bilang “ef” tetep ja kepleset jadi “ep”. Desa kuta itu tmpat gw lahir,tapi bukan kuta bali lhoooo… desa kuta adalah sebuah desa yang terletak di jateng tepatnya kec belik kab pemalang,eeeittt tapi jangan salah lho,, Selengkapnya tentang Alfa


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