Arisan Brondong

Arisan Brondong

Geng socialite mother; Lolita was a widow who became entrepreneurs expensive boutique property gono-gini thanks to my ex-husband, Anis rather an idiot, and Uut the fat, often held together with a costly social gathering. At all three together, the mortal enemy of Lolita, Misye, when the gathering took a popcorn (term given to the young age of responsibility) named Erik. Misye glance believed to be a challenge for Lolita, which ultimately terkompori and with Anis and Uut, held auditions for popcorn at the shop.

Rian (Ferly Son) is a young man who include popcorn category. A poor student who managed to pick up a beautiful rich girl named Tika (Navy Rizky Tavania), over time he realized, if they want to date a Tika, he should not be poor. Rian is a OB in Lolita boutique with the intention of the salary to buy a birthday present Tika, accidentally set fire to a set of new clothes Lolita. Lolita who want to scold Rian, attracted to him and offered him a job as a berondongnya to indemnify Lolita. Rian housemates rented; Good (Hardi Fadhillah) and Jaja (Farish Nahdi) Rian are amazed with the new job making good money in one day. Rian side, he was "auctioned" for new members namely arisannya Heidi Robinson (Heather Storm), a California woman and Nana (Bella Saphira) a woman of Japanese descent who have Yakuza connections. When the auction, Rian won Nana. Just because it has not had any contact, he managed to get drunk and Lolita Nana, Anis, and Uut who saw Rian and think as if Nana had just related.

Rianpun ambushed by Good questions and Jaja. Once you know Rian job, instead of mocking even want to follow. Tempers efforts and the results are strange that they found after the auction. Rian whose income is more and more, began to trouble contacted Tika. Tikapun suspect if Rian affair because he was given an expensive gift. Rian, Good, and Jaja's coming, dibilangi by Lolita that they do not need to brand again, for Erik, would satisfy all these cougar aunt-and want to touch, unlike the three of them. Once fired, Rian said that it was their way to make money in ways that are normal. Then, he got a call that will be introduced to the Tika Tika mother tonight. When introduced, Rian was shocked because his mother is Lolita. Lolita immediately withdraw Tika and said that Billy was not for him. So, Tika who was upset because her mother's attitude and no adult ticks, go and apologize for his mother to Rian. Rianpun decided to stay away from Tika. While Good and Jaja attempted blackmail with the threat of Lolita to tell when gathering activities. When an agreement at the hotel, Nice and Jaja Lolita trap with Uut. After they fled, hotelpun follow-up quiet room. Tika who heard about Lolita activities at home, went quietly to the hotel, trying to see the activities popcorn. Then someone came into the room, making Tika hiding. It turns out that this man is said to Tika Rian (who she thought was Lolita, because of his view blocked by curtains) that he does not deserve to Tika and such, then Tika express themselves and go, Rian followed.

Filled back room with Erik and Lolita. When making out, apparently a television camera appears. Apparently Erik is a journalist who approached the auntie-auntie to cover the popcorn phenomenon. Cash Lolita angry, especially when he knows that it is Erik age 30. Finally, at the station, Rian, Good, and Jaja were interviewed to supplement documentation popcorn phenomenon. It was seen on TV by Tika. Tika still can not forgive, but Lolita successful Tika heartbreaking. Rian Tikapun forgiving as long as he could buy the same bracelet with a halal way. Meanwhile, the aunt, another aunt was not desperate to find the popcorn-berondongnya.

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ALIF orang tua gw kasih nama ke gw,kenapa gw di kasih nama alif…? katanya sih…karena gw anak pertama. tapi orang-orang seringnya manggil gw “alip”,pakenya “p” bukan “f”.yaaa…maklumlah gw lahir lidah orang jawa susah lo bilang “ef” tetep ja kepleset jadi “ep”. Desa kuta itu tmpat gw lahir,tapi bukan kuta bali lhoooo… desa kuta adalah sebuah desa yang terletak di jateng tepatnya kec belik kab pemalang,eeeittt tapi jangan salah lho,, Selengkapnya tentang Alfa


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