Emak Ingin Naik Haji

Emak Ingin Naik Haji

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Mother, older women are patient, sincere, and full of kindness, like other Muslims, eager to perform the pilgrimage. Unfortunately, Mother does not have the cost to fulfill his desire.

Mother of everyday selling cakes and also from Zein, her widower, sellers around the painting. Although Mother knew that the hajj is an elusive thing, Mother did not despair, he still gather rupiah for the sake of rupiah for hajj savings deposited in banks. Zein, who see the persistence Mother, trying in various ways to realize its desire Mother.

However, its limitations as a seller of a painting of perimeter, and the problems inherited from a failed marriage, causing Zein almost desperate and reckless. Meanwhile, Mother wealthy neighbor has fulfilled the pilgrimage several times, let alone go umra. In other places there are people intend to perform Hajj only for political purposes

Is there a way for Mother to her desire to materialize? What do Zein? Colored variety of drama-berkelindan interlace each other, this film is about sincerity and yearning for God, and the extraordinary love of a child to his mother

Film Type:

Putut Widjanarko, Adenine Adlan

Mizan Productions & Smaradhana Pro

Atik Kanser
Reza Rahadian
Didi Petet
Niniek L. Generous
Ayu Pratiwi
Henidar Amroe
Ustad Jeffry Al Bukhari

Aditya Gumay

Adenine Adlan
Aditya Gumay

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