Alangkah Lucunya (negeri ini)

Since graduating S1, almost two years Muluk not get a job. Although always failed but never despaired Muluk

Meeting with pickpocket named Comet unsuspected Muluk opened up opportunities for employment. Comets bring Muluk to his headquarters, and then introduced to his boss called Jarot. Muluk surprised because it was gathered at the headquarters of children's age is to pilfer pekerjannya Comet

Intellect Muluk spun and saw the opportunity he offers to Jarot. Jarot he assured that he can manage their finances, and asked for compensation 10% of the lift, including the cost of educating their

"Enterprises are managed Muluk bear fruit, but in his little heart was moved intention to direct the pickpockets in order to change their profession. Assisted by two colleagues who are also scholars, Muluk divide their duty to teach religion, character and citizenship

Did they educate anaka-child?

What happens if parents Muluk knowing that his salary from the pinch?

Film Type:
Comedy Satire

Zain Zairin

Citra Sinema

Reza Rahadian
Deddy Mizwar
Slamet Rahardjo
Jaja Mihardja
Tio Pakusadewo
Dahlan Asrul
Queen Tika Bravani
Rina Hasyim
Sakurta Ginting

Deddy Mizwar

Musfar Yasin

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Kumpulan Film Indonesia Terbaru semua Ada disini.. Tonton Juga Animasi dan Film Jepang Terbaru Enjoy ..........!!!!!!

About Alfa

ALIF orang tua gw kasih nama ke gw,kenapa gw di kasih nama alif…? katanya sih…karena gw anak pertama. tapi orang-orang seringnya manggil gw “alip”,pakenya “p” bukan “f”.yaaa…maklumlah gw lahir lidah orang jawa susah lo bilang “ef” tetep ja kepleset jadi “ep”. Desa kuta itu tmpat gw lahir,tapi bukan kuta bali lhoooo… desa kuta adalah sebuah desa yang terletak di jateng tepatnya kec belik kab pemalang,eeeittt tapi jangan salah lho,, Selengkapnya tentang Alfa


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