Bebek Belur

Bebek Belur

Belur Duck movie lifted from a story that has many Cibebek world known people, which in everyday life arise various problems including the problem that is very funny, sad, and touching, with various types of characters in it

Like in the real world, everyday citizens are full of hilarity Cibebek and simplicity, although in their midst is happening this very important and meaningful. With characteristic optimism, honesty, courage to defend the right, and with how smart they may limit the desire and intent to rich people who have been consumed by exhaustively, because they believe that despair is not an option. Residents Cibebek always wanted to maintain happiness together, to protect the harmony of the village, as they are always his trademark can still laugh and do funny things while overcoming various problems of

Belur Duck movie music accompanied by special enough with the cooperation between GIGI Band, House Music Harry Roesli, Sam Bimbo, and DJ Nasa, under the direction Aksan Sjuman

Through this film, the story is not funny and deeds can be very funny ... he said

Film Type:

Damiana Widowati

Didi Petet
Deddy Mizwar
Slamet Rahardjo
Torro Margens
Gigi Band
Joshua Pandelaki
Artha Ully
Rima Melati
Ida Kusumah
Jajang C. Noer
Nungki Kusumastuti
Bajaj Group
Thessa Kaunang
Sam Bimbo
Sigit Hardadi
Nana S. Patah

Adrianto Sinaga

David Rasidi
Heri Sucahyono
Rudi sipit

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