Menembus Impian

Menembus Impian

Do we need to always have dreams in life thrive travel?

Nur is a student who underwent the hard life with her mother, Sekar, which only works as a laundry worker. Both have different views to achieve a better life, the mother would prefer to focus on college Nur, while Nur-minded to eventually work for a living can help them.

In perjalannnya, then met Dian Nur, a student who though still sepantarannya yet been settled. Dian Nur back and who put make bold to dream and aspire to return. After several times falling up under the auspices Dian Nur eventually began to feel doubts about his dream that seems impossible to achieve.

"Through Dreams" is a story of struggle of a pair of mother and daughter in his quest for a better life

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ALIF orang tua gw kasih nama ke gw,kenapa gw di kasih nama alif…? katanya sih…karena gw anak pertama. tapi orang-orang seringnya manggil gw “alip”,pakenya “p” bukan “f”.yaaa…maklumlah gw lahir lidah orang jawa susah lo bilang “ef” tetep ja kepleset jadi “ep”. Desa kuta itu tmpat gw lahir,tapi bukan kuta bali lhoooo… desa kuta adalah sebuah desa yang terletak di jateng tepatnya kec belik kab pemalang,eeeittt tapi jangan salah lho,, Selengkapnya tentang Alfa


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