Tentang Cinta

Evan’s (Vino G. Bastian) love and presence for Sheren (Sheila Marcia Joseph) is such a new spirit after her lover, Ray (Fedi Nuril) died. Sheren can feel fall in love again.

However, their happiness is disturbed when Evan’s former fiancée, Audy (Hayria Faturrahman) comes around them. Audy still love Evan and hope that he wil come back to her. While Evan does not want hurt Sheren’s heart. He has to choose one of them... Sometimes life is unfair, and love is a difficult choice to choose….

Country: Indonesia
Production Company: Starvision
Genre: Drama/ Romance
Director: Soni Gaokasak
Starring: Vino G. Bastian, Sheila Marcia Joseph, Fedi Nuril, Hayria Faturrahman, Zhi F, Tarra Budiman, Pipip Sasati, Aldo Bamar, Daniel Tito
Length: 117 mins
Date of release: 8th November, 2007

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ALIF orang tua gw kasih nama ke gw,kenapa gw di kasih nama alif…? katanya sih…karena gw anak pertama. tapi orang-orang seringnya manggil gw “alip”,pakenya “p” bukan “f”.yaaa…maklumlah gw lahir dijawa.cz lidah orang jawa susah lo bilang “ef” tetep ja kepleset jadi “ep”. Desa kuta itu tmpat gw lahir,tapi bukan kuta bali lhoooo… desa kuta adalah sebuah desa yang terletak di jateng tepatnya kec belik kab pemalang,eeeittt tapi jangan salah lho,, Selengkapnya tentang Alfa


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